FS22 Dragon’s Den Production Extension
Updated: August/2/2024 - Version See Changelog
Creator: Black_Dragon23
Tech support at Dragon's Den Discord
Any suggestions of features you would like to see you can leave them at Dragon's Den Discord
DD Average Sell Price
Dragon's Den Production Extension Recipe
More production chains and products in the future.
Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod
Note: If you use the upgrade Factory mod you must delete the Greenhouse, Greenhouse Hoop, and Orchard before updating to 1.7, or else you will get a game-crashing error.
Note: please sell all watermelon, watermelon juice, watermelon Jam, and sausage before updating the mod to V1.6 or you will lose the product.
Recommended Mod:
Duckzorly for some of the meat images and testing the pre-build versions. You can visit his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/Duckzorly
Cwattyeso for testing the pre-build version. You can visit his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@Cwattyeso
BuyNow_John for testing pre-build version
Goat Milk and Sheep Milk can be used instead of Milk from cows.
The Barrels from the Platinum DLC will replace the Barrels from this mod but will work the same.
If you play with Precision Farming DLC and want to use compost as fertilizer on your fields you need a modified version from Precision Farming. You can find it in Dragon's Den Discord
DD Aftershock Bakery
Info: Goat Milk and Sheep Milk can be used instead of Milk from cows
Price: 70,000
Input: Goat Milk, Sheep Milk, Milk, Egg, Butter, Cream, Sugar, Flour, Honey, Chocolate, Apple Jam, Blueberry Jam, Lemon Jam, Pear Jam, Plum Jam, and Raspberry Jam
Output: Cinnamon Roll, Cannoli, Chocolate Cannoli, Apple Danish, Blueberry Danish, Chocolate Danish, Honey Danish, Lemon Danish, Pear Danish, Plum Danish, and Raspberry Danish
DD Bakery (US and EU)
Info: Goat Milk and Sheep Milk can be used instead of Milk from cows
Price: 50,000
Input: Flour, Sugar, Goat Milk, Sheep Milk, Milk, Egg, Butter, Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Strawberry, Apple, Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Plum, Blueberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Blackberry, and Peach
Output: Bread, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Apple Pie, Blackberry Pie, BlueberryPie, Cherry Pie, Cranberry Pie, Grape Pie, Lemon Pie, Orange Pie, Peach Pie, Pear Pie, Plum Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Raspberry Pie, and Strawberry Pie
DD Bakery Factory
Info: Produces products at a faster rate. Goat Milk and Sheep Milk can be used instead of Milk from cows
Price: 110,000
Input: Flour, Sugar, Goat Milk, Sheep Milk, Milk, Egg, Butter, Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Strawberry, Apple, Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Plum, Blueberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Blackberry, and Peach
Output: Bread, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Apple Pie, Cherry Pie, Grape Pie, Lemon Pie, Orange Pie, Pear Pie, Plum Pie, Blueberry Pie, Cranberry Pie, Raspberry Pie, Pumpkin Pie, and Strawberries Pie
DD Beehive
Info: you do not need to put in any bees it uses 0 bees.
Price: 30,000
Input: Bees
Output: Honey, Bees Wax
DD Butcher
Price: 420,000
Input: Chickens, Cows, Pigs, and Sheeps
Output: Chicken Breast, Drumsticks, Wings, Tenderloin, Whole Chicken, Ground Beef, Steak, Bacon, Pork Sausage, Ham, Mutton, Animal Fat, Animal Skin, Beef Rib, Pork Rib, Lamb Rib, Beef Sausage, Chicken Sausage, Pork Sausage, and Lamb Sausage
DD Candle Factory
Price: 100,000
Input: Wick, Animal Fat, and Bees Wax
Output: Candle
DD Carpenter (US and EU)
Price: 60,000
Input: Wood and Planks
Output: Woodchips, Furniture, toys, and Barrels
DD Cereal Factory
Price: 80,000
Input: Honey, Raisins, Oat, Corn, Brown Sugar, and Maple Syrup
Output: Cereal and Oatmeal
DD Compost Factory
Price: 36,000
Input: Chaff, Grass, woodchips, Silage Additive, Straw, and Manure
Output: Silage, Compost, and Hey
DD Dairy (US and EU)
Price: 70,000
Input: Milk, Goat Milk, Sheep Milk, Sugar, Cocoa Powder
Output: Butter, Cheese, Sheep Cheese, Goat Cheese, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Yogurt, and Cream
DD Fruit Processing Factory
Price: 100,000
Input: Apple, Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Plum, Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Sugar, Water, Blackberry, and Peach
Output: Apple Jam, Blackberry Jam, Blueberry Jam, Cherry Jam, Cranberry Jam, Grape Jam, Lemon Jam, Orange Jam, Peach Jam, Pear Jam, Plum Jam, Pumpkin Jam, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Watermelon Jam, Apple Juice, Blackberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Cherry Juice, Cranberry Juice, Grape Juice, Lemonade Orange Juice, Peach Juice, Pear Juice, Plum Juice, Raspberry Juice, Strawberry Juice, Watermelon Juice, Raisins
DD Grain Mill
Price: 96,000
Input: Wheat, Barley, Oat, Sorghum, and Cocoa bean
Output: Flour and Cocoa Powder
DD Greenhouse Hoops (Small, Medium, Large)
Info: Add Compost/Manure for a higher yield.
Price: (Small 30,000) (Medium 40,000) (Large 50,000)
Input: Water and Compost/Manure
Output: Blackberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, Grape, Hops, Olive, Peanut, Pumpkin, Raspberry, and Watermelon
DD Greenhouse's (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, and 2X-Large (Right and Left))
Info: Add Compost/Manure for a higher yield.
Price: (Small 3,000) (Medium 5,000) (Large 10,000) (X-Large 20,000) (Large 30,000)
Input: Water and Compost/Manure
Output: Tomatoes, Lettuce, Strawberries, Bell Pepper, Cocoa Bean, Cucumber, Garlic, and Onion
DD Maple Tree
Price: 20,000
Input: Water
Output: Maple Sap
DD Oil Plant
Price: 80,000
Input: Sunflower, Canola, Olive, Corn, and Peanut
Output: Sunflower Oil, Canola Oil, Olive Oil, Corn Oil, and Peanut Oil
DD Orchard (Small, Medium, and Large)
Price: (Small 30,000) (Medium 40,000) (Large 50,000)
Info: Add Compost/Manure for a higher yield.
Input: Water and Compost/Manure
Output: Apple, Cherry, Lemon, Orange, Peach, Pear, and Plum
DD smoke House
Price: 635,000
Input: Planks, Wood, Wood Pellets, Woodchips, Cheese, Sheep Cheese, Goat Cheese, Lamb Sausage, Beef Rib, Beef Sausage, Chicken Sausage, Lamb Rib, Pork Rib, and Pork Sausage
Output: Smoked Cheese, Smoked Sheep Cheese, Smoked Goat Cheese, Beef Smoked Rib, Beef Smoked Sausage, Chicken Smoked Sausage, Lamb Smoked Rib, Lamb Smoked Sausage, Pork Smoked Rib, and Pork Smoked Sausage
DD Spinnery (US and EU)
Price: 60,000
Input: Wool, Cotton, and Animal Skin
Output: Fabric, Leather, Wick
DD Sugar Mill
Price: 80,000
Input: Sugarbeet, Sugarbeet Cut, Sugarcane, Honey
Output: Sugar
DD Syrup House
Price: 35,000
Input: Planks, Wood, Wood Pellets, Woodchips, Sugarcane, Sugarbeet, Sugarbeet Cut, Lemon, Water, and Animal Fat
Output: Maple Syrup, Molasses, and Soap
DD Tailor Shop
Price: 100,000
Input: Fabric, Wool, Cotton, and Leather
Output: Clothes, Belt, Horse Saddle, Leather Clothes, and Stuffed Animals
DD The Factory
Price: 1,200,000
Input: Apple, Bell Pepper, Blueberry, Bread, Butter, Canola Oil, Cheese, Cherry, Corn, Corn Oil, Cranberry, Cucumber, Egg, Flour, Food Salt, Garlic, Grape, Ground Beef, Ham, Lettuce, Molasses, Mutton, Olive, Olive Oil, Onion, Pear, Plum, Potato, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Tenderloin, Tomato, and Watermelon
Output: Beef Pot Pie, Brown Sugar, Chicken Pot Pie, French Fries, Fruit Salad, Garlic Bread, Hashbrown, Lamb Pot Pie, Mozzarella Sticks, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Popcorn, Pork Pot Pie, Potato Chips, and Salad
DD The Factory 2
Price: 1,500,000
Input: Cheese, Egg, Garlic, Ground Beef, Onion, Pasta, and Pasta Sauce
Output: Lasagna
DD Winery
Info: Beer will be moved to a different building in a future update. Add Barrels for a higher yield.
Price: 600,000
Input: Apple, Barley, Barrel, Blueberry, Cherry, Grape, Hops, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Plum, Strawberry, and Water
Output: (Apple) Wine, (Cherry) Wine, Wine, (Citrus) Wine, (Pear) Wine, (Plum) Wine, (Blueberry) Wine, (Strawberry) Wine, and Beer
MKS 32
Capacity: 32,000L to 300,000L
Wilson Silverstar
Capacity: Sheep 200 Pig 200 Cow 108 Chicken 832
DD Farmers Market
Info: Sell all products produced by this mod.
Price: 65,000
DD Fast Food Restaurant
Info: Sell products produced by this mod.
Price: 55,000
DD Restaurant
Info: Sell products produced by this mod.
Price: 65,000
DD Supermarket
Info: Sell products produced by this mod.
Price: 80,000
DD Buying Station
Info: You can buy Food Salt, Seed, Lime, Fertilizer, and Mineral Feed here.
Price: 1,000
DD Karma 16
Info: Storage Food Salt, Seeds, Lime, Fertilizer, and Mineral Feed.
Price: 16,000
Capacity: 50,000
DD Milk Storage
Info: Storage Milk, Sheep Milk, and Goat Milk.
Price: 25,000
Capacity: 1,500,000
DD Ranch House Blue DD Ranch House Red DD Ranch House White
Info: Sleep and Wardrobe triggers
Price: 175,000