FS22 Dragon’s Den Production Extension

Updated: March/1/2024 - Version See Changelog
Creator: Black_Dragon23
Tech support at Dragon's Den Discord

Any suggestions of features you would like to see you can leave them at Dragon's Den Discord
DD Average Sell Price

Dragon's Den Production Extension Recipe

More production chains and products in the future.

Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod

Note: If you use the upgrade Factory mod you must delete the Greenhouse, Greenhouse Hoop, and Orchard before updating to 1.6, or else you will get a game-crashing error.

Note: please sell all watermelon, watermelon juice, watermelon Jam, and sausage before updating the mod to  V1.6 or you will lose the product.


Version 1.6

Version 1.4

Version 1.3

Version 1.1